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The Community Boathouse (2015)

The community boathouse is situated in Brooklyn Bridge Park, a site rich in demography, from the tourists along the water-edge to the local residents in Dumbo and Washington Heights. Despite differences between the users of the land, all of them are equally susceptible to the impacts of flood risks.  With no flood evacuation buildings in a reasonable proximity of the site, the community boathouse is a safe haven for victims of flooding during times of need, and an educational space for boat-making and the environment during other times. 




Through implied views and suggested circulation within the programmatic arrangement of the boathouse, visitors of the community boathouse will be able to experience not only the process of boat making from start to finish, but also witness the rising and receding tides of the Hudson River. Visual and visceral moments like these allow the visitors to understand and empathise the environment, contextualise themselves within the system of resource consumption and waste production in relation to the environment. 


Exterior Rendering of the Community Boathouse

Exterior Rendering of the Community Boathouse

Long Sections of the Community Boathouse

Exploded Building Materiality 

Second Level of the Community Boathouse

Second Level of the Community Boathouse

Boat POV of the Community Boathouse

Boat POV of the Community Boathouse